Frequently Asked Questions

What Does AlfredMD Do?

AlfredMD is a partner and service in helping physicians understand and navigate through the complexities of their contract agreements. We breakdown the language and rhetoric in a way that is easy for you to understand and digest. Our team is made up of healthcare executives, healthcare lawyers, and experienced physicians with over 30 years of healthcare experience.

What is a “Contract Review”?

A contract review is a process to help you understand the different parts of your contract agreement. We help you understand your salary, benefits, and non-competes so that you can sign a contract that is in your best interest and tailored to your career growth.

How Long Does Your Process Take?

We understand that the timeline for each physician can be different and vary. We work with you to plan and develop a plan that meets your deadline. Typically, we are able to review a contract within 1-2 days.

What is The Difference Between AlfredMD and a Hiring a Contract Lawyer?

Lawyers help understand the language of your contract agreement, but not necessarily help you obtain the best offer. Our team has written, negotiated, and reviewed hundreds of physician contracts. We use comparative salaries in your region, your education, and your experience to help obtain the best offer possible.

Doesn’t a Negotiation Look Bad?

Negotiations are part of any job application process and rarely will an employer pull an offer because you decided to negotiate. Typically an employer will not negotiate if there as already been extensive back and forth with a prospective employee.

How Do I Contact AlfredMD?

You can reach out to us via email at