A process that is designed to help you understand every step of the way from the time you receive your contract to the moment you are ready to sign.

How It Works

Upload physician contract for review

Step 1:
Upload Your Contract

Congratulations on receiving your job offer! Whether this is your first real physician job or you’re doing this a second (third, fourth…?) time, the specific details of your new practice structure and your relationship with the practice or organization will be different every time. Different employer entities  have vastly different contract structures with continually evolving complexity.  We are excited to be a part of your physician journey. We’ll work with you to set up an intro call to go over your career goals and learn a bit more about you. From there, we’ll ask you to upload your contracts and agreements into our portal.

Review contract with AlfredMD client

Step 2:
Review Your Contract

Our team will carefully review and analyze your contract agreements and make recommendations based on your level of experience, practice location, employer entity/practice structure, career goals, and speciality. From there, our team will schedule a call to go over your reviewed agreements to prepare you for your next conversation with your prospective employer.

AlfredMD Agent help physician through negotiate contract

Step 3:
Negotiate Your Contract

We’ll work with you to have the right conversation with your prospective employer. Don’t want to negotiate yourself? We’re happy to negotiate on your behalf and serve as an advocate and agent for you. We will be your partner negotiating your entire offer and contract terms including your compensation, benefits, call, and other elements. We will be with you along the way whether you are a first-timer or experienced physician.

Get started

  1. Upload your contract

  2. Review your contract

  3. Negotiate your contract